
Personal | Why?

my world turned upside down last week, when we nearly lost my mom. now, with a successful emergency surgery to remove the large tumor, God has allowed her to stay a bit longer. i am thankful, but still very angry that her time will be severely shortened because of a disease without a cure -- cancer. angry she won't be able to see my daughter marry her prince charming, let alone graduate from elementary school. why her? why us? why, God, why?

this numbness i feel
will not go away
it's buried itself
to protect me today

tomorrow who knows
what God has in store
for it's His choice
to give or take more

this anger i feel 
is so complex and raw
emotional overload 
so overwhelming i fall

on the floor i stay
the pain too real
it's a dark place
where weakness i feel

there's little hope
dreams have already died
her end will come
no matter how hard we try

my faith becomes wobbly
for it's God who chooses
from the ones He loves
who suffers and loses

chelsea | 2007
i hope she never forgets how to dream

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