
Brothers | Noah & Adam

These boys were fun to play with (um, did I say play? I mean work, yea work, hard - hard work :), and real troopers to play in the wet grass. Wait, they're boys, I'm sure they didn't even notice! Their session had been previously rescheduled due to high winds and extreme heat and we weren't about to let a little wet grass stop us now.

Once their mom mentioned that Noah LOVED trains, I borrowed some of Eli's and took them along with me. I had a vision for what I wanted to do.... except being a child photographer means sometimes [ok, I'll be completely honest, all the time] you've gotta roll with the punches. Little adorable Adam enjoyed demolishing his brother's track building skills and pulling trains off the track even before Noah had a chance to play. The above shot was taken right before Adam swooped in and played his own version of trains... again. Look at his expression; I love it!

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