
Expecting | Griffith Family

It really does my confidence wonders when Emily and Allan Griffith of Griffith Photography continue to commission me for their photography needs. They are expecting their second child TODAY, so I thought I'd better get these posted. They appreciate my style and have even gone as far as naming their living room the S3 Gallery... how cool is that? Emily is as beautiful as any expecting mama could possibly be.... seriously, look....

I have other photos of her that are defiantly blog worthy, but for privacy reasons won't be featured here. For those of you interested in a maternity session, it can be as intimate as you desire.

Their little girl wasn't feeling so well that day, so the best option was to make her comfortable, aka nap! They read her a couple stories and soon she was asleep. The plan worked like butter and I nearly melted when I got this shot of mother and child.

After a brief nap, it was outdoors we went....

Wishing you the very best, Emily and Allan, as your welcome your little boy into the world today.

1 comment:

emily griffith said...

Thank you as usual Sarah! We're so glad we did the maternity session. I can't tell you how AWESOME the finished portraits look on the wall...!!!